About us

We are an organization that aims to study gender bias in Science, particularly in Arachnology and propose actions to mitigate this structural problem. We want to break down barriers, end discrimination, and disprove stereotypes .

SWA founders

PhD Amanda Mendes

PhD Ana Lúcia Tourinho

PhD Bárbara T. Faleiro

PhD Brittany N. Damron

PhD Cibele Bragagnolo

PhD Lidianne Salvatierra

PhD Lina Almeida-Silva

PhD Candidate Nancy Lo-Man-Hung

SWA MeMbers

PhD Andria de Paula

PhD Caroline Fukushima

PhD Mariela Oviedo-Diego

MSc Candidate

Conchita Pinzón Morales

Undergrad. Ewellyn P. da Silva Chaves

Undergrad. Francisca Sâmia Oliveira

PhD Candidate Juliana Figueiredo de Lima

PhD Candidate Vanessa P. Gonçalves

Undergrad. Lauren Elisa Flores Correa

PhD Candidate

María Florencia Nadal

PhD Regiane Saturnino

PhD Candidate

Marília Pessoa Silva

PhD Maria de Fátima da Rocha Dias

BSc Milena O. de Melo Moreira

guidelines Of SWA

  • Explain the gender bias in our community.
  • Investigate and understand better the particularities of bias, its implications and impacts on our community and careers of arachnologists.
  • Publish scientific articles about biases.
  • Promote and give visibility to female arachnologists, their work and their impact on the area.
  • Propose debates at scientific events and political guidelines to our societies, leaders of research groups, committees and editorial bodies related to our community.
  • Request transparency in the expertise metrics used for selections in activities that promote the careers of arachnologists: magazine editors, lecturers, symposiumists, etc. And also hiring for professional positions.
  • Create a code of conduct with guidelines for expected behavior in academic environments (universities, congresses) and the consequences of inappropriate behavior.
  • Create a procedure for reporting inappropriate behavior or harassment.
  • Develop policy guidelines that are applied to scholarships/grants/contests that aim to minimize gender bias in order to correct and increase the inclusion and presence of arachnologists.
  • Propose exclusive policies for the creation of notices for scholarships/grants/contests that address the reduction of this accentuated bias with motherhood, in order to contain the effects of massive evasion of women mothers, adjusting the curriculum with these considerations for a fairer dispute.
  • Propose policies that facilitate the participation of mothers in congresses/symposiums/conferences in order to facilitate their return to arachnology research activities.

EVENTS & Grants

International mobility and participation in scientific events are crucial for success in Academia. One of our goals is to encourage participation of female scientists in events. Actions that should be taken:

  • Reserve a percentage of oral presentations for women
  • Propose prizes in the student competition for work done by women
  • Scholarships or becas to pay for women's registrations

47 women from 11 countries sent their request for support of SWA in the registration fee for the IV CLA (2020)

Sloping Grassy Spot

VI CLA - 2020

Sloping Grassy Spot

Congreso Latino-Americano de Aracnología 2020

Buenos Aires - Argentina (online)


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Upholding women's rights since 2020